Profile Picture

Holly Johnson

Software Engineer

NFT Project Founder

Agile Project Management


BSc Software Engineering - University of Portsmouth

Agile Project Management - Udemy


🖼️ NFT project

Founder of a successful NFT project. I run the project, including directing the road map, designing the artwork, maintaining the website, and building/managing the community on discord and twitter. I therefore have experience with blockchain technology, and writing and deploying smart contracts.

🧩 Lego Shop

A retail website project which involved designing and implementing a website for a small independent lego shop. Features included browsing for items, adding to shopping cart and buying (black box simulated). Stock levels were then updated on the database.

🏥 Hospital Database

A university group project, using PSQL we designed and implemented an intricate ERD and database for a hospital, for use by the hospital staff. We also wrote queries that were most likely to be used by the staff. We learnt to work really well as a team and supported each other, and helping others when needed.

📁 Business Systems Analysis - Employee Retention Report

A project which involved working regularly with a full-time employee to assess any problems they had with their job and coming up with solutions, with the goal of helping the employee enjoy their job more!

👩‍💻 Invisible female programmers. No really, where are they?

A video presentation exploring why such a small percentage of software engineers are female, and issues surrounding the gender data gap.

🎲 Scrabble

A first year university project which involved creating a javascript web app, a scrabble game which allowed the user to generate random letters, and place them on the board where they choose.

🎧 Jamming

A website built using React components that uses the Spotify API to search for music, create and edit a playlist, and save the playlist to the users Spotify Account.

🤖 ChoreDoor

A game which uses javascript functions to allow the user to choose one of three doors, avoiding the 'ChoreBot' which is randomly placed behind one of the doors.


💻 Junior Operations Analyst - Park Now

Summer placement 2022

👩‍💻 Web Development Intern - Sparks

Summer internship 2021

🐎 Competition Yard Manager - Serku Equestrian


📸 Event Photographer - Simply Event Photos


📞 Front of House - Everyone Active
